Training Package

Training materials have drafted containing information, including basic knowledge about safety procedures applying, technical information, legal requirement, events that were obtained from sources believed by AIGA VN to be reliable and/ or based on technical, safety information and experience currently available from members of AIGA VN at the date of issuing.

AIGA VN do not ensure nor accept any liability as to the accuracy, completeness or correctness of the information contained in these training materials. While AIGA VN recommends that you can refer to or apply it into your working, such reference to or apply thereof by you is purely voluntary and not binding.

AIGA VN has no control whatsoever as regards, performance or non performance, misinterpretation, proper or improper use of any information or suggestions contained in AIGA VN’s training materials by any person or entity (including AIGA VN members). However, AIGA VN recommends that you do not modify, change the content and use training materials of AIGA VN for improper purposes, and AIGA VN expressly disclaims any related liability.