Ceremony of awarding Certificate of Merit from Minister – Ministry of Industry and Trade – Mar 27, 2024

Asia Industrial Gases Association in Vietnam is honored to receive the Certificate of Merit from the Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Trade for its outstanding achievements in ensuring timely oxygen supply to meet the treatment needs of Covid-19 patients in Ho Chi Minh City and the Mekong Delta provinces.


On the afternoon of March 27, 2024, at the Ministry of Industry and Trade’s (MOIT) office at 21 Ngo Quyen Street, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi, MOIT organized a ceremony to present the certificate of merit from the Minister of MOIT to units with outstanding achievements in ensuring timely oxygen supply to meet the treatment needs of Covid-19 patients in Ho Chi Minh City and the Mekong Delta provinces. These units include the Asia Industrial Gas Association in Vietnam (AIGA VN), the Welding Engineering Gas Company (Sovigaz), and the Vietnam Industrial Gas Company.


At the ceremony, Mr. Hoang Quoc Lam, Deputy Director General of VINACHEMIA, along with representatives from the Human Resource Dept. of MOIT and leaders of the units receiving the Certificate of Merit from the Minister, were in attendance.

During the ceremony, the representative from the HR Dept. of MOIT announced Decision No. 109/QD-BCT dated January 18, 2024, regarding the awarding of Certificate of Merit from the Minister of MOIT to the three units with outstanding achievements mentioned above.

Looking back to July 2021, when the Covid-19 pandemic resurged in Ho Chi Minh City and some provinces in the South, Vietnam indeed faced a crisis due to the lack of preparedness in medical oxygen supply. The Ministry of Health (MOH) and MOIT representing the Vietnamese government, called upon domestic oxygen production companies to join hands in supplying medical oxygen to healthcare facilities nationwide. Asia Industrial Gas Association in Vietnam (AIGA VN), along with its member companies, which account for over 90% of the national market share in medical oxygen production and supply, actively collaborated with the Vietnamese government in all Covid-19 prevention and control efforts.


The image of the employees and drivers of AIGA VN member companies dedicating themselves to work tirelessly, regardless of the difficulties and hazards during the pandemic, will always be remembered and cherished in our memories. They are truly seen as great warriors because they have played a crucial role in bringing life to countless people in Vietnam.

Representing AIGA VN at the commendation ceremony were Mrs. Claire Rosseler – Current Chief Representative; Mr. Anthony Grandpierre – Steering Committee Member (Former Chief Representative of AIGA VN in term of 2020 ~ 2023), and Ms. Nguyen Kim Trinh – Secretary General.

In her speech at the ceremony, Ms. Claire Rosseler expressed her emotions at receiving certificate of merit from the Minister of MOIT. She emphasized that this recognition was not only an honor for AIGA VN but also an opportunity to share memories and learn from the challenges that everyone together endured during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mrs. Claire recalled the efforts made during those difficult days, such as the tense emergency meetings, where every decision could impact the fate of millions. The daily online meetings with the leaders of the MOIT, MOH, and other management agencies brought strong coordination and crucial support, ensuring the smooth and timely supply chain of oxygen from AIGA VN member companies.

In her speech, Mrs. Claire also expressed gratitude to her colleagues, especially Mr. Anthony Grandpierre – Former Chief Representative of AIGA VN in term of 2020 ~ 2023, who played a crucial role in managing and cooperating with Ms. Nguyen Kim Trinh – Secretary General to coordinate all actions of AIGA VN; the team of engineers, production staff, delivery personnel, and drivers who worked in challenging environments, all worked together to overcome difficulties, ensuring that oxygen was supplied to all in need throughout Vietnam.

Finally, on behalf of the AIGA VN member companies, Mrs. Claire sincerely thanked MOIT, VINACHEMIA, and all relevant agencies for recognizing and appreciating the efforts of AIGA VN. This recognition will be a great motivation for AIGA VN to continue to develop and enhance its responsibilities in all community activities..

Representing MOIT at the ceremony, Mr. Hoang Quoc Lam – Deputy Director General of VINACHEMIA, delivered a speech appreciating the significant contributions of AIGA VN, not only in terms of material support but also in spirit and intellect, to the Vietnamese community during those painful times.

On behalf of MOIT, he sincerely thanked AIGA VN and the collaborating units for jointly shouldering the important responsibility with the goal of bringing health to the people of Vietnam.

Representing AIGA VN, including member companies participating in the Covid-19 pandemic response efforts from 2021 to 2022, such as Air Liquide VN, Air Water VN, Linde Gas VN, Messer in Vietnam, Nippon Sanso VN, Sing Industrial Gas VN, and Tomoe VN, Mrs. Claire Rosseler graciously received the certificate of merit awarded by Mr. Hoang Quoc Lam.

Representatives from the two units Sovigaz and Thanhgas were also present at the ceremony to receive their certificate of merit.

